Research & Development

GERMI has established two research wings- Petroleum and Renewable Energy. The Petroleum Wing has two major groups.

Petroleum Laboratories whose capabilities are in Petrographic studies, Rock Physics and Geochemical Studies and the Data Interpretation Centre with Capabilities on G&G data analysis, Seismic Data enhancement & characterization. The Renewable Research Wing supports fundamental and applied research ranging from solar cell material and device designs to plant performance analysis. As well in the environmental research focusing to help industries in important areas related to science, technology and management pertaining to Pollution, Energy Efficiency, Bio-Energy & Waste to Energy and enable the integration of innovative need-based technologies.

GERMI has a fully equipped petroleum research laboratory to carry out routine and advanced core analysis, source rock potential characterization, surface geochemical prospecting, coal characterization and crude oil mapping. The laboratory has a basic objective of serving as a centre of excellence in research and development in the field of oil and gas. The laboratory aims to address the challenges of meeting India’s growing demand for affordable oil and gas by conducting basic and applied research on hydrocarbon energy resources and economic impacts of their production and use.

Development of Synthetic Combustion Fuel using Algae as a Resource
Surface geochemical prospecting for hydrocarbon exploration in parts of Cambay basin
Laboratory scale development of technology for algal fuel production
Integrated microbial and geochemical methodology for the detection hydrocarbon microseepage in petroliferous region
Geochemical analysis of lignite and shale samples of GMDC operated lignite coal mines
Trace metal anomalies associated with hydrocarbon seepage in Sanand East and Miroli area of Cambay basin