The Centre possesses top expertise and performs application oriented Research in areas related to Geoscience domain, such as: Seismic attributes, Complicated fault block interpretation, well-seismic correlation, Post and Pre-stack inversion, Texture attribute analysis and TOC mapping. There is a strong focus on new techniques from various disciplines, with a high potential for the advancement of technology related to oil and gas industry. In particular, the Centre provides a unique environment that incubates multidisciplinary collaborations among GERMI Researchers and collaborator interested in exploring the technology development for enhancing the understanding of the hydrocarbon plays.
The center has carried out several R&D and commercial projects on G&G data analysis for hydrocarbon exploration and mentored 49 students from reputed institutes of India, trained 78 Geoscientists from industry in seismic data interpretation and is capable of developing customized applications for G&G data analysis. To accelerate and encourage the applied R&D for exploration, GERMI has engaged domain experts, announced post-doctoral fellowships, and created additional positions for geo-scientists and programmers with experience in Computational Geophysics. The center has recently established a group for developing softwares for seismic data processing and interpretation.
Software Development is an integral part of applied research in Geosciences without which the end users cannot apply the developed techniques and methodologies for their use. Therefore, it is necessary to have an indigenous software development platform for both processing and interpretation. It also helps in quickly implementing custom solutions for the problems on hand.
Standalone software modules developed even by the front line researchers have not seen the limelight without integrating with the regular production software. GERMI is committed to provide the outcome of all its developmental efforts as plugins or integrated modules to the regular production software.
Therefore, Data Interpretation Center of GERMI, in 2015, has started a “Software Development Group” targeting opportunity existing in G&G software development space through R&D. It may be noted that this group is one of its kind in India, which is working on developing software solutions for seismic exploration industry. The developed software and applications will possess high commercial values due to inputs from indigenous R&D efforts and rich experience of GERMI’s experts in Oil & Gas field.
The main objective of GERMI is to tap the native expertise of geo-scientists of India.
Following areas are of immediate target for the proposed software development group:
The Center is equipped with 5 powerful multi core Work Stations with 64 GB RAM, dual bootable with Linux and MS Windows and high-end Nvidia Graphics and connected with state of the art 55 TB storage and server for carrying out multi-disciplinary G&G data analysis with any interpretation Software as well as seismic processing software.
The infrastructure is also suitable for developing graphic intensive interactive interpretation and processing applications, high compute intensive seismic depth imaging using MPI and CUDA parallelization technologies on workstations harnessing the power of multi-core CPUs and GPUs.
R&D is being carried out by OpendTect Software.
Type | RAM | Storage | Dual Bootable | Graphics | Total Count |
Normal Desktop | 8 GB | 1 TB | No | AMD Raedon (TM) R5340X | 2 |
Programming Desktop | 16 GB | 1 TB | Yes | NVIDIA Quadro 800 (Cuda Capable) | 1 |
Programming Desktop | 16 GB | 1 TB | Yes | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 745 (Cuda Capable) | 2 |
High-end Workstations | 64 GB | 1 TB | Yes | NVIDIA Quadro 5000 (Cuda Capable) | 5 |
SAN Storage | - | 55 TB | - | - | 1 |
OpenDTect has provided us with 6 licenses for R&D purposes. We also purchase temporary licenses of Hampson Russel, Petrel, Landmark, Seiswave, Petrosys for G&G and Reservoir Engineering and interpretation as per the project requirement.
Seismic attributes often provide a quick way to visualize the trends of faults and fractures, which are not visible in seismic amplitude information. These set of information from different seismic attributes can be used to delineate fault geometry, and further it can be used to optimize well locations.
In this project the delineation of faults and fractures is demonstrated using an optimum workflow. Out of all the attributes tested, polar dip being a directivity driven parameter that enhances the edges and sharpens the fault to the best extent. For analysis of the fractured zones, mean curvature has brought out the most momentous results. The seismic images thus produced are complementary and are the best result produced by integration and implementation of filters and different attribute sets.
GERMI developed workflows for seismic data conditioning, spectral blueing and log data conditioning to suit for inversion studies to obtain optimal results. The study resulted in delineation of channel prospect in the area.
Seismic inversion for acoustic impedance gives the acoustic impedance variation for characterization of the reservoir. Variations in acoustic impedance can be interpreted to find the low impedance area for hydrocarbon exploration.
Seismic Spectral Bluing (SSB) is a technique to optimize the vertical resolution of seismic spectrum using well information, without boosting noise to an unacceptable level. SSB analyze the seismic and well log spectra to define a Seismic Spectral Bluing operator that shapes the average seismic trace spectra to smooth curve which is representative of band limited reflection coefficient curve fit at every frequency. It results into a seismic data with enhanced frequency content and realistic amplitude data .
Impedance Inversion studies and well property prediction was performed from well logs using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). An ANN creates a nonlinear mapping between a set of input data and target outputs. The nature of this nonlinear mapping depends upon the type of artificial neural network used. A feed forward back-propagation neural network is used in this study to predict well log properties from Inversion results and multiple attributes.
The basic objective of the Petroleum Research Labs is to serve as a Centre for Excellence in Research & Development and to provide state of the art technology in geological, geochemical and petrophysical analysis and well site geological support to E&P companies. These labs are fully equipped to carryout Routine, Special and Advanced Core Analysis, Source rock potential characterization, Surface Geochemical Prospecting, Coal Characterization and Crude oil mapping.
The Petroleum Research Laboratory has the basic objective to serve as a Centre of Excellence in research on development of increasingly efficient and well adapted technologies to extract, upgrade, manage and commercialize the oil and gas resources.
The research programme includes basic studies of oil and gas displacement and production, reservoir rock and fluid properties, drilling technology, methodologies to improve oil recovery, gas production from gas hydrates, establish database and models for future reservoir management and to maximize hydrocarbon recovery in addition to theapplication of CO2 sequestration technologies.
The research programme accordingly addresses the challenge of meeting the growing demand for affordable oil and gas by conducting basic and applied research on hydrocarbon energy resources and economic impacts of their production and use. The focus is on on-shore and off-shore resources and the lithological controls of resource abundance, quality and location.
The results so generated will directly support the GRIIC’s mission of protecting and responsibly managing country’s hydrocarbon resource by advancing the scientific understanding to plan for a balanced and secured energy future.
Petroleum Research Labs carried out analysis of core samples for TOC pertaining two wells.
Side wall core from well A, Conventional core samples and Well cuttings of well B are analyzed for TOC to match these values with log responses and to convert the conventional logs to TOC logs.
Perkin Elmer make CHNS/O analyzer 2400 series II system is used to find the TOC of samples. The sensitivity of this analyzer is 0.1 wt. % . In this instrument samples are combusted in pure Oxygen environment and resultant gases are measured in gas chromatograph.
Petroleum Research Laboratory-GERMI carried out crude oil sample analysis from different wells of Bakrol oil field to understand the various parameters like API, Flash point, Pour point and how these parameters affect the mobility of crude oils.
The main objective of this project is to improve the mobility of oil to transport from the well to the Group Gathering Stations or storage tanks.Reported API gravity of crude oil and suitable temperatures are suggested to maintain mobility of crude oils from well to gathering stations